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La Sultana recycled cotton bag

La Sultana recycled cotton bag

Regular price $11.50
Regular price Sale price $11.50
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Discover the practical and versatile side of this recycled cotton bag, designed to meet your daily shopping and errand needs.

  • This sturdy recycled cotton bag guarantees durability and fits perfectly with your natural and eco-friendly lifestyle.
  • Dimensions: 12.5'' X 12.5'' X 7'' (31cm

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Important note!

Please note that most of our products are labeled in recycled hemp paper with a matte finish. It is important to pay attention to the friction between them so that the ink does not fade prematurely.

We wrap our soaps individually for hygiene reasons and above all, so that the aromas (essential oils or fragrances) do not evaporate and spread to the soaps. Some stronger oils like tea tree or mint have the unfortunate habit of "sticking" to everything around them.

However, we invite you to unwrap your soaps if you wish! It is not
necessary to unpack them, however. If, for aesthetic reasons, you
prefer to do it, no problem!

Note that soaps with "colors" are actually colored with minerals or spices (turmeric, cinnamon, etc.). Their color will certainly fade over time, a sign that they are 100% natural.

Also, our soaps are made in small quantities, by 2 different artisans. Your soaps may differ from the photos. However, their composition remains the same.

  • illustration fait à la main la sultana savonnerie
  • illustration fait au quebec et achat local la sultana savonnerie
  • Un logo circulaire au fond rose pâle présente une illustration du profil d'un lapin à l'intérieur d'un cœur rose. Les mots « SANS CRUAUTÉ » sont inscrits sur la circonférence en blanc, ce qui signifie « sans cruauté » en français. Inspiré des soins doux, comme la Barre de massage à l'argile ghassoul MARTIN oud oriental de La Sultana Savonnerie | Savons et soins naturels faits main | Québec, il symbolise la pureté et l'élégance.